December 02, 2009


This year for Thanksgiving our family focused on "serving" rather than "being served". Every year our church, Victory Baptist, hosts a Thanksgiving meal for the missionaries in the surrounding areas of Germany. We had families come from as far as Romania and Czech Republic. The festivities began the week before for a church-wide cleaning day. We all rolled up our sleeves, grabbed a scrub brush and got to work. After a complete overhaul, the church was gleaming and ready to take on 125 pounds of turkey!

On Thanksgiving day we had a complete room full of all the traditional trimming and a few new ones (smoked brisket & Greek salad). Our church kids sang a few songs that they've been practicing to include on in German! Afterwards, we had a devotion from a guest preacher, sang a few hymns and the kids enjoyed the balloons!

Throughout the day we were able to fellowship with many of the missionary families and learn how they live. I found it humbling to speak with the family from Romania and hear about the daily struggles from yellow well water to mold in every room. It makes me thankful for the housing the Lord has provided our family here in Germany. Just last week we were without hot water and heat for 4 days, and thought we were having a hard time. We as Americans are so soft...we don't know what it's like to live without all the conveniences of heat, hot water, appliances, etc. I am truly thankful for those who heed the calling of the Lord to be missionaries!

Our church was able to supply these families with a huge box of American favorites that they all miss. I know that they were just as much a blessing to us and we were to them. The day after Thanksgiving, we all met at the church for more eating! Yep, a big hearty breakfast and then a day in downtown Stuttgart for the Weinachtsmarkt (Christmas Market). The kids all enjoyed themselves and the weather was terrific! This truly was a wonderful Thanksgiving to remember.

Jack and Micah enjoy the rides and chocolate covered stawberries and bananas!

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